Choosing the Right Message Boards For Your School?s Lobby

Nothing says school pride like an eye-catching electronic message board located right in the school’s lobby. Message boards are not only attractive, they provide a unique and versatile notification system.

You can’t miss message boards.

Large or small, they combine color with movement to create signage that is simply more compelling than traditional static posters, notices, etc.

Their high visibility makes message centers a distinctive solution to almost any school’s communication requirements.

Message boards provide wide-ranging value.

A central message board virtually guarantees direct, effective communication.  Convey information to a small group such the French Club, sixth grade girls, the golf team.  Or get the word out to the entire school — students, faculty and staff, parents and visitors.

Message boards explain scheduling information and changes, pass on special announcements, promote special events, deliver seasonal messages, and highlight personal or team achievements.

They save time and money, reducing need for printing and distributing notices or making PA announcements that interrupt classroom teaching activities.

Schools that use modern technology to conduct their business emphasize the educational and practical value of innovation, a vital message for any age student and any community.

Message boards are a fun addition to any school, and the most successful schools recognize that learning should be enjoyable.

Message boards are easy to use.

Choose single line, multi-line or full animation plus text.

Message boards are easy to program and simple to use.  They offer single-point control, integrating smoothly with your school’s electronic network.  Some systems offer a hand-held remote option.

Automatic update capability means you can change messages immediately, especially important for last-minute weather-related notices or actual emergencies.

Quality counts when comparing message boards.

Price is always a consideration for schools, but choosing quality is nearly always the most cost-effective decision in the long run.

A quality company not only supplies top-notch, dependable products, they also have knowledgeable staff who will help you fully understand your options.  And they’ll be there later on with responsive customer service and support.

No wonder message boards are heading “back to school.”

Thanks to innovative LED technology, schools can now capture both the benefits and the savings offered by message boards.  The flexibility and adaptability enable schools of all sizes to create a centrally-located communications system that supports their notification needs, fits their budget and lifts school spirit to a new level.

Julia Shing writes informative articles on the web. The above is about The Yes Experience regarding School Message Boards

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