Finding The Right Message

How do you know when you have the right message going to the right market? Is it because sales are up, you have a constant flow of jobs, or is it because you are getting the sorts of clients you are after. Ensuring you are getting the right message across really does start with some simple planning and preparation.

Your message is the key to your business success; it is not your products or service, these will always be around. If you cannot spread the word, if you cannot tell others about what it is you do, in a short precise manner, then you do not have a business that is sustainable.

So think about all the ways you market your business, now think about whether the message is the same all the time or are you confusing your prospect. The message you project underlies the response that you are going to get.

Creating the right message begins with these simple steps.

1.Understanding your prospect
To understand the message required you must first understand the people who are buying your product or service. What are their gender, age, social demographics, family background, what else do they like doing, the more you know about your prospect the easier it becomes to speak to them on their level. Write it out, have it on the wall around your office, ensure that all staff are on the same page. When you truly understand who it is your selling to you can build deeper and more meaningful relationships.

2.Solving The Problem
When spreading the message you need to ensure that your message helps solve your prospects problem. Far too often small business owners and marketing teams get caught up in themselves and do not think about it from a prospects point of view. Always remember that we as humans are asking ourselves what is in it for me if we do not answer that question within our message then we have lost the prospect for good. Focus on benefits and solutions.

3.Speak The Language
Every industry has its own language the lingo that allows you to look clever and know your stuff, however your prospect does not care about the lingo. They just want to understand the message in their language. You must remember to keep the message simple, in easy to understand language, without the big fancy terms. As impressive as they might sound to you, your prospect, more than likely does not even now what those terms mean. When getting your message across the less fancier the more productive.

Your message is the key to your business success, the more people that hear your message and understand it, and the more customers you create. It is always worthwhile taking some time and ensuring you have the right message going out to the market every six months. Remember without the right message you have no business.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru, providing small business with relationship based marketing strategies to generate more leads, increase their clients and grow their profits. For your free black mask marketing resources visit

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