Few gripes over limits on driver cellphone use

Few gripes over limits on driver cellphone use
Drivers would be allowed to use one hand to transmit or receive messages on a two-way radio and to use hands-free electronic devices. The measure also does not preclude using one hand "to activate, deactivate or initiate a function of the telephone.".
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Could This Mysterious 'Number Station' YouTube Account Be A Message Board
The idea goes that the account is being used as a message board… for spies. Under this interpretation, the account is the modern …. These receivers reveal the telltale electronic crackle of hidden mics and cameras. Strangely enough, they were …
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Five Ways to Break Your Kids' Screen Addiction (and Yours, Too)
A text message had managed to find me in the middle of nowhere. It was from my wife: “Where r u guys … The campaign, which has been running in one form or another since the early 1990s, encourages kids to rediscover fun things to do that don't …
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