Wall of Honor Covered for Event

Wall of Honor Covered for Event

Image by camknows
Since October, I’ve been involved in a project at work for creating a Wall of Honor at Microsoft for Veterans Day. Creating these video displays seems to be a standard thing these days as more and more companies, councils, and museums are adding them. A small group within my building works on digital signage and I got to help build the PC systems used to make the displays.


LG전자, 美 상업용 디스플레이 시장 공략 강화

LG전자, 美 상업용 디스플레이 시장 공략 강화

Image by LGEPR
LG전자가 6일(현지시간)부터 4일간 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리는 상업용 디스플레이 전시회 ‘DSE(Digital Signage Expo) 2012’에서 신제품들을 선보이며 B2B 디스플레이 시장 공략에 나선다.

사진] LG전자 부스에 전시된 72인치 LED 디스플레이(모델명:72WS70).

※ LG전자 뉴스룸 ( lgnewsroom.co.kr ) 에서 관련 보도자료를 확인실 수 있습니다.

LG 이지사인 TV , ‘인포콤 2011’서 최우수 솔루션상 수상

LG 이지사인 TV , ‘인포콤 2011’서 최우수 솔루션상 수상

Image by LGEPR
LG전자 이지사인 TV가 18일(한국 시간) 미국 플로리다 주 올랜도에서 막을 내린 세계 최대 규모의 디스플레이 전문 전시회인 ‘인포콤(InfoComm) 2011’에서 디지털 사이니지(Digital Signage) 분야 최우수 솔루션에 선정됐다.

-LG전자 미국법인 커머셜 디스플레이 세일즈 디렉터 다니엘 스미스(Daniel Smith)의 수상모습

※ LG전자 뉴스룸 ( lgnewsroom.co.kr ) 에서 관련 보도자료를 확인실 수 있습니다.

Dave Stevens, General Manager of MySpace Canada

Dave Stevens, General Manager of MySpace Canada

Image by Anirudh Koul
Dave Stevens, General Manager of MySpace Canada at the eConcordia Summit 2009 in Montreal on September 10th, 2009.

Topic: “Cybercommunity, how it has effected socialization?”

More photos of World Renowned Speakers from the Summit :
eConcordia Summit 2009

Biography from eConcordia Summit 2009 website:
Dave Stevens is one of Canada’s most experienced digital executives in Social Media specializing in creating successful strategies, operational efficiencies and business development resulting in revenue growth and user engagement.

Until the recent centralization of North American operations, Stevens served as the General Manager at MySpace Canada where he oversaw the operations and strategy for Canada’s premiere social media lifestyle portal serving advertisers with unique advertising solutions to reach consumers. Prior to MySpace, Stevens served in a dual role as General Manager of dose.ca and VP, Product Management and Strategy for canada.com. At dose.ca Stevens was responsible for all facets of marketing, content, operations and strategy that led to increased revenues and engagement. As VP, Product Management and Strategy for canada.com he was responsible for business development and product management for emerging media platforms including mobile, IPTV and digital signage.

Before joining CanWest, Stevens spent nearly four years at AOL Canada as Senior Manager of Content and Sales Strategy. There, he helped build the entertainment and music channels by bringing world exclusives to Canada. Stevens has an impressive background in television – at Rogers Television he was responsible for programming throughout Ontario, and built out flagship programming for OHL Hockey.

Prior to joining Rogers, Stevens was involved in the start up of Country Music Television (CMT) in Canada where he produced more than 30 concerts and live programs, including CMT’s first live nationwide event. Stevens received a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Radio and Television Arts from Ryerson University. He is an avid hockey fan and a self proclaimed pop culture aficionado.