Digital Signage Networks and Higher Learning

Why are digital signage networks popping up on campuses across North America? Because they are one of the few media still being heeded by people 18 to 24 years of age.

While digital signage networks are novel enough to generate “oohs” and “aahs” among audiences of all ages, it is the university and college-aged crowd that is the most responsive. Conversant with technology from a very young age, they are highly receptive to messaging delivered via digital signs. And with the potential for interactivity, digital signage networks of the future hold even more promise as the ideal medium to engage students.

Why Digital Signs Have Such Strong Appeal

Retailers have discovered the value of digital signage networks for directing very specific advertising to a narrowly defined target audience. Hence the term “narrowcasting” which refers to messaging that reaches a particular audience in a particular place, as opposed to broadcasting which reaches a broad, widely-dispersed audience through traditional media like radio and TV.

Other sectors have begun using digital signage for more than advertising. Airports use it to provide information to passengers, banks use it to occupy waiting customers and hotels and conference centers use it to help visitors find their way.

All of these uses have met with positive response from their audiences. But the response at campuses has been even greater. As a recent guide from Digital Signage Today points out, digital signage networks are the “perfect marriage of ideal audience and ideal technology”. Today’s students welcome new technology and are keen to be the first adapters of new gadgets and gizmos. Knowing this, many university administrators have turned to digital signage networks to communicate with this iPod-wearing, Facebook-using, cellphone-and-Blackberry-addicted generation.

On-Campus Uses of Digital Signage Networks

How are digital signs being used in colleges and universities (and even some high schools)? Administrators use the signs to post important announcements and emergency information. Various departments use digital signs in their buildings to communicate messaging relevant to their students. Student councils, sports teams and clubs post information about upcoming events.

Digital signs have become virtual bulletin boards, placed at strategic locations -like libraries, student centers, bookstores and cafeterias – where they can reach the most students. Using RSS feeds, schools can provide up-to-the-minute, current and relevant information to their students much more quickly and efficiently than they could with the corkboards and paper messages of old.

Some universities sell advertising space on their digital signs to generate revenue. Knowing their media-savvy audience, most incorporate marketing and promotional material in small doses and are sure to display it alongside informational messaging so students do not come to view the signs as just another advertising platform.

The Future

What’s next for on-campus digital signage networks? Interactivity using wireless technologies like Bluetooth or SMS. In its guide on education and digital signage, Digital Signage Today discusses East Carolina University which is set to allow students to vote or respond to polls posted on digital signs using their cell phones. This is just one application of interactivity, but the potential for more is there.

Is this function useful? Maybe. Necessary? Probably not. Cool? Definitely. And it is this last trait that will keep students interested and engaged in digital signage networks while they are on campus and after they leave to join the workforce.

For more information on digital signage, contact a narrowcasting expert at

The Dynamic System of Digital Menu Boards

In today’s competitive world, if you need to bring people’s attention to your business, you have to think out of the box. If you only do the traditional stuff then you are just like everybody else. Companies who are still stuck with the old ways are now paying the price. To achieve success in the cut-throat business environment you need to make your company visible. Advertisement plays a huge role in this department. Over the years the world of advertisement has also changed. What you need to do is embrace the new methods of the media. One such advertising method is digital menu boards.

A digital menu board is a great communication tool. Earlier this was only used in the airports. But now this method is used by various businesses like malls, restaurants, juice bars, coffee shops, stores, and many companies. A lot of dynamic screens can be seen in famous fast food joints like McDonald’s, KFC, and the like. Many people think that the use of digital boards will cost a lot. This is simply not true. Actually, this system is now considered as one of the cheapest ways to promote a business.

The old school way of advertisement is printing. I’m sure all of you have used printed advertisement materials to promote your business. So you must know that printing is very expensive. Not only is it expensive, it is also time-consuming. And time is money. If you opt for a method that saves you precious time then it will also help you save money. Hence, one should consider using a digital menu board for one’s enterprise. This system appears expensive because you have to invest in digital menu board software and hardware. But what people fail to understand is that this system lasts for years. This is a very smart move as your advertising needs are already taken care of for years to come. This is the major reason why digital menu boards are much better than the traditional methods of the media.

Digital menu boards come in a vast variety. One can choose a board according to the specific needs of the business. You need to make sure that the company from which you buy the board can provide you with anything that your business needs. The performance of the board should be versatile at all costs. Choose the one that will take care of all your requirements.

Another advantage of using a digital menu board is that it can be quite easily managed from a central computer. Companies like offer boards with full featured systems with multiple zones and menu artwork with its own identity. Also you can change your menu or content anytime you like. You can easily put your digital menus on a repeating weekly schedule with different menus for every day. And all this can be done without any hassles. This feature is getting popular because of its hassle free management.

The important thing that you need to keep in mind is that you have to select a company that is ideal for you and will take care of all your requirements. So use this powerful medium and make the most of your advertising needs.

Paul Stephens is a published web content writer with countless blogs to his credit until date. His chosen topics relate mostly to technology and electronics because he is a self-confessed tech-junky. He loves to share the latest innovations and marketing techniques – such as electronic message boards, digital menus, etc. – with his readers.

Signagelive and Samsung Smart Signage Digital Menu Boards at @NRAShow 2013

Raffi Vartian COO of Signagelive explains how the future of digital menu boards is SMART. Smart Signage Displays from Samsung powered by Signagelive eliminate the need for a player and the purchase and running costs associated.

Just connect to the Smart Signage Display to the Internet, login to Signagelive’s cloud-based platform from any device and your ready to update products, prices and offers.
Video Rating: / 5

Why Every Restaurant Should OPT For A Digital Menu Board!

When it comes to QSR or restaurant business, digital menu boards are all set to become the standard. So what makes them so different and beneficial when compared to your regular menu boards? For starters, technological innovation is encompassing our lives from all sides these days. In such a scenario, it is quite natural that the hospitality industry also uses its myriad applications to bring increased business their way. The beauty of digital technology is that it attracts instant attention from the onlookers.

What is the most important aspect of a restaurant that attracts customers? It is its menu, of course! Therefore, those who want to attract customer attention and entice them at a higher frequency need to consider ways to update their menu presentation. So, which is the best way to achieve that? Why don’t you consider digital menus for change?

Here below are some reasons why it has become the need of the hour!

Ease of changing menu

Everybody knows how changing the traditional menu boards can be! Many times, you need to include special items, chef’s recommendations, and discount offers to the customers. So how can you do it right? The easiest way is to choose digital menu boards, which you can update almost at your whim. Can your traditional boards promise such flexibility? If not, isn’t it time for a change?

Dynamic promotional display

There is no doubt regarding the fact that a digital menu can also work as a platform for advertising your promotional offers. For example, if you are giving something free with a particular dish or are giving a limited combo offer with slashed prices, do it in the best way possible. With digital menus you can make sure the message is enticing and even include beautiful graphics in an animated format. What’s more, as boards remain in full customer view they can show an enthusiastic response even bringing new business your way.

Cheap menu display alternative

While the installation costs related with the digital boards are high, when one considers the long-term benefits associated with these boards, it makes them an ideal investment. You can change them as many times as you want in the widest possible varieties. Take your time to go through the different display boards available nowadays to pick the one that suits your requirements perfectly. It is possible to customize these boards according to the specific theme and logo of your establishment making them a cost-effective option that provides high returns long-term.

Day-part scheduling options

Does your restaurant serve the same menu during breakfast, lunch, and dinner? This is simply not possible. So what are you going to about it? With a digital menu board at your disposal, you do not require three separate menus and the need for changing them continuously. You can set timers in these boards and the presented dishes will change according to the time of the day. This will minimize hassles for the establishment and will ensure that undue gaffes in menu display do not occur.

Paul Stephens is a published web content writer with countless blogs to his credit to date. His chosen topics relate mostly to technology and electronics because he is a self-confessed tech-junky. He loves to share the latest innovations and marketing techniques with his readers such as electronic message boards, digital menus, etc.

Digital Signage Content: Integrating Social Media Can Garner Attention and Build Interest

Here is a remarkable statistic published online by USA Today’s Technology Live website in October 2010. As of that date, there were 6.8 billion people in the world, 1.96 billion Internet users and 517 million Facebook users.

As Byron Acohido, author of the piece noted: “Put another way: about 7 percent of the world’s humans are on Facebook.” Just over a year later, Facebook notes on its statistics page that there are now 800 million active users of the social media network.

How many of those Facebook users carrying smartphones will visit somewhere that relies on a digital sign? One can only imagine the number for a particular venue. But consider this: Facebook’s statistics page says there are 350 million users who actively interact with Facebook via their smartphones. So it’s a pretty safe bet that the closer the demographics of the audience for a digital sign match those of typical mobile Facebook users, the more likely there’s a vast opportunity to be realized.

The likely proximity of a smartphone to a digital sign creates an important opportunity for anyone communicating via a digital sign who possesses a bit of an imagination and a willingness to experiment. Consider a noisy environment, such as a popular bar, dance club or even certain restaurants. Could designating on-screen real estate of a digital sign to a special Facebook page, give a business owner a way to help patrons connect with one another on screen and in so doing cut through the noise, attract the attention of customers and promote goods or services in other zones on the sign?

Leveraging social media in this way could be as simple as giving patrons a virtual bulletin board on which to post vetted observations and pictures or as complex as giving them a way to play bar games, like trivia, with one another. Imagination, budget and creativity would seem to be the only limitations.

The good news for small businesses looking to take advantage of this opportunity is many are already quite familiar and fluent with Facebook. According to the quarterly Merchant Confidence Index released in February 2011 by MerchantCircle, 70 percent of local merchants are using Facebook for marketing -up from 50 percent the preceding year. In fact, MerchantCircle, among largest social network of local business owners in the United States with more than 1.6 million members, found Facebook has passed Google as the most widely used marketing method for local merchants.

In addition to its wide use by local merchants, the rapid growth Facebook saw over the past year saw among merchants is positive. It appears to indicate local merchants have proven themselves to be quite willing to explore the potential of this social network. Thus taking the next step to integrate a Facebook page as digital signage content doesn’t seem to be too far of a stretch for merchants with a knack for the platform.

It’s also important to note that Facebook isn’t the only social media platform that can be leveraged for digital signage content. Twitter, too, easily fits into the same mold as a convenient way to let patrons publicly interact with one another on a digital sign via their smartphones. Like Facebook, Twitter also is familiar to local merchants. The Merchant Confidence Index found about 40 percent currently use the platform, which is up from 32 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009.

As business owners, outside creative agencies and internal graphics departments consider what digital signage content to present to the public, they would do well to remember that adding engaging, attention-grabbing element to their digital sign may be no further away than a Facebook page or Twitter account.

David Little is a charter member of the Digital Screenmedia Association with 20 years of experience helping professionals use technology to effectively communicate. For further digital signage insight from Keywest Technology, visit our website for many helpful tips and examples. For more in-depth research from Keywest Technology, download our free digital signage white papers and case studies.

DSS Cafeteria Basic Menu Math – Set of 6 Extra Menu Boards

DSS Cafeteria Basic Menu Math – Set of 6 Extra Menu Boards

DSS Cafeteria Basic Menu Math - Set of 6 Extra Menu Boards

  • This listing is for Cafeteria Basic Menu Math – Set of 6 Extra Menu Boards
  • Qty : 1 Each
  • Each laminated Menu Order Board is 11″ x 25″.
  • Reading Level Nonreaders Interest Level 2 – 12
  • This item may differ from the image shown. This item may be a replacement or optional part for the image shown, or differ in model, color, etc. Please review the title and features carefully.

Reading Level Nonreaders
Interest Level 2 – 12
Each laminated Menu Order Board is 11″ x 25

List Price: $ 70.05
